Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 1 – Exercise

Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 1 – Exercise

Stress is any factor that disturbs a state of well-being. The consequences can be positive or negative. For example, the physical demands of exercise can result in increased strength and cardiovascular endurance. Conversely, the imminent deadline of a large project or an exam can lead to undesire...
Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses – Taste

Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses – Taste

Day 5 is here! Great job if you have closely followed this series and did all the previous tips for better sleep involving the five senses. Again, remember practice makes perfect. Also, be sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for daily tips! ORA is here to help every step of t...
Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses – Smell

Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses – Smell

The 5-day series on Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses is drawing to an end. Remember that ORA Horizon is dedicated to providing the sleep help you need, well beyond day 5. Be sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for daily sleep and stress management tips! Today, we investigate...
Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses

Better Sleep Through the 5 Senses

For many, falling asleep can be troublesome. Others find that staying asleep may not come so easy. Fortunately, many of the factors that contribute to restlessness are under our control. Over the next 5 days, we will learn how to use the 5 senses to our advantage. Read below to learn how to use y...
Sleep Better Through the Power of Positivity

Sleep Better Through the Power of Positivity

The mind is a powerful thing. Hall of Fame baseball player Wade Boggs once stated “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results”. We can’t control everything life throws at us. Stress, in its vari...
Going Back to the Basics of Love: Loving Yourself

Going Back to the Basics of Love: Loving Yourself

Are you so stressed out that you feel like days are just going by in a blur? Could you be the parent who has a full day with work during the day, driving your kids around, grocery shopping, and preparing for family meals from breakfast till dinner? The busy entrepreneur with “no time to exercis...
Coping With Stress Through Resilience

Coping With Stress Through Resilience

Yesterday was the National Get Up Day, an opportunity to share inspiring stories of people who have encountered great odds and didn’t give up, eventually conquering them. It’s a reminder that all of us will have to go through different setbacks, and we must pick ourselves up after we have fal...
7 Tips for a Restful Night

7 Tips for a Restful Night

Sleep is a wonderful thing. It is the time carved out of your schedule to recuperate from the day’s challenges. Depending on your commitments, your schedule may allow for more or less. Other factors that can affect the quantity and quality of your rest include your sex, activity level, health, ...
5 Exercise Tips That Will Benefit Your Sleep

5 Exercise Tips That Will Benefit Your Sleep

Physical activity has long been known to improve sleep quality and increase sleep duration. Aside from that exercise also bolsters sleep as it reduces stress and tires you out, inviting sleep to come more easily. Here are some exercise tips that will help you get a good night’s sleep and keep thi...