Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 5 – Ask for Help

Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 5 – Ask for Help

The final day in this series is here! Congratulations! Stress is seldom under our control; how we choose to respond is our choice. Continue to practice this week’s tips to ensure stress doesn’t hinder your sleep! Again, remember that ORA is dedicated to helping you get the rest you deserve. T...
Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 3 – Write It Down

Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 3 – Write It Down

It’s day 3 and the Five Day Stress Reduction series is drawing to an end. Remember that ORA Horizon is dedicated to helping you get the rest you deserve. Take advantage of our daily tips on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Read below for today’s tips. Tips to Manage Stress: Day 3 – Write it...
Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 1 – Exercise

Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 1 – Exercise

Stress is any factor that disturbs a state of well-being. The consequences can be positive or negative. For example, the physical demands of exercise can result in increased strength and cardiovascular endurance. Conversely, the imminent deadline of a large project or an exam can lead to undesire...
Make progress at work by doing something fun

Make progress at work by doing something fun

Have you ever had a task or a project that you so badly want to complete, but can’t seem to move forward because you’ve run out of ideas? That can be quite a stressful time. With the deadline looming and pressure mounting, what are you supposed to do? The first – and usual – reaction […]...
Coping With Stress Through Resilience

Coping With Stress Through Resilience

Yesterday was the National Get Up Day, an opportunity to share inspiring stories of people who have encountered great odds and didn’t give up, eventually conquering them. It’s a reminder that all of us will have to go through different setbacks, and we must pick ourselves up after we have fal...
De-stressing Through Holiday Pick-up lines

De-stressing Through Holiday Pick-up lines

This post has nothing to do with sleep. But a good laugh is a sure way to get you off thinking about the stress of Christmas-related expenses, hectic schedule, long to-do lists and the humongous traffic. As I made rounds on my Twitter feed today I found that #holidaypickuplines was a trending top...