
I thought it would be helpful to create a resource page that you can always come to for all of your stress, sleep and other reference needs. I’ll add to it as I learn more, but you’ll notice that in the future I will reference this page quite often. I recommend bookmarking it for your reference and convenience. Enjoy!

Disclosure:  Please note that some of the links below are referral links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.  Please understand that I have experience with all of these books, apps or resources, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something.  Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.


If you look at nothing else on this page, these are the five that you should know about. I find myself recommending these resources again and again, in emails, texts and on the phone. I use them because they make my life easier, and I’m confident you’ll agree too.


He wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul and shares his life Success Principals. He has a nice morning routine. It is a little too structured for me so I used about half of his. It is a great start and has some very good tips.




Hal got me started with a  morning routine and I use a few of his strategies.  This is an inspiring read with an impressive Facebook group to keep you involved!





Gary does a nice job simplifying.

Pick One Thing and complete it with all of your energy. How do you pick the One thing? He give some nice tips.



Truly a workbook with exercises to complete. You won’t need everything in this book – it covers quite a bit but if you want to learn to recognize stress, speak in front of a group, sleep better or address some anxious tendencies, this book is for you.



This a great book, written by an MD. She explores the scientific side of positive thinking. There are some parts that are not for everyone, but you will find that in any book.





Patients like me screen shot







If you like community, there is no better website than “Patients Like Me”

Completely free. Check in daily or as often as you like.

Printable option to bring with you to your doctor or other provider.


Excel at Life
This is great site with TONS of free audio guides.






This one is my favorite:


Questions or feedback for me?

Please let me know!

