Five Day Stress Reduction Plan: Day 2 – Relax

Day 1 is complete and you are on your way to building an arsenal of tools you can employ in a variety of stressful situations.

The goal of this series is to implement lifestyle changes while building upon the previous day’s techniques. Much of what is discussed each day may be a departure from what that which you are accustomed, so it is important to practice each tip until it has become second nature.

Read below for today’s tips.

Tips to Manage Stress: Day 2

Try to relax

This may be easier said than done, but having scheduled personal time can be a powerful tool.

A massage, done professionally or by a loved one, can help reduce muscle tension built up by stress. Relaxing activities like taking a warm bath or listening to soothing music can provide some relief. Employing deep breathing or meditation techniques can also be helpful.

Take a break from work. The more physical the better; go for a short walk or find a bench to soak up some sunlight. If this isn’t possible, get away from your desk and find a window with a nice view. When moving is not achievable, take a mental break. Pull up an image of a tropical resort or simply close your eyes and imagine your favorite relaxing pastime.

What you do to relax is not important; getting your mind off of stressors is.

Stay tuned for day 3!