7 Tips for a Restful Night

Sleep is a wonderful thing. It is the time carved out of your schedule to recuperate from the day’s challenges. Depending on your commitments, your schedule may allow for more or less. Other factors that can affect the quantity and quality of your rest include your sex, activity level, health, geographic location…too many to list here.

There are a variety of methods you can employ to allow you to achieve meaningful rest; many of which take some time to reveal their benefits. When it comes to sleep, time is your most important commodity. Sacrifice too much of it staring at the ceiling, and before you know it, another sleepless night has passed.

What can be done to deliver a more immediate resolution to sleeplessness? Read below for some tips that can help you fall back to sleep.


Find Relief for Sleeplessness with These 7 Tips


Refrain from clock watching.Whether you use an alarm clock or cell phone, ensure it is in a drawer, on the other side of the room, or facing a wall to reduce the temptation to repeatedly check the time.


Do not lay in bed awake. If it has been more than 15 minutes, get up. Leave your bedroom, but avoid bright light. Avoid physical or mental stimulation. Opt for relaxing activity to provoke sleep, for example, listen to some relaxing music.


Relax. If you find yourself awake in bed, try deep breathing or meditation.

journal writing

Reach for your journal. Thoughts racing? Write them down. Get stressful thought out of your mind and onto paper.


Reach for a snack, but make sure it’s the right one. Walnuts, almonds, cheese and crackers, or fruits like cherries and pineapple may help you rest better.


Waking to the sounds of a bustling neighborhood? Block out the disturbing noise with white noise. Turn on a fan, listen to a playlist of soothing water sounds, or download a white noise app.


Have a go-to method. Do one of these tricks seem to work like a charm? Go straight to it when you encounter restlessness.

These tips can help you from staring at the ceiling. Find the one that works best for you!


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