Going Back to the Basics of Love: Loving Yourself

Are you so stressed out that you feel like days are just going by in a blur?

Could you be the parent who has a full day with work during the day, driving your kids around, grocery shopping, and preparing for family meals from breakfast till dinner?

The busy entrepreneur with “no time to exercise, no time to pause for a breather, let alone think” because his clients and meetings are lined up every day of the week?

Men and women who sleep poorly, eat takeout in front of the computer, and have no more time or energy take even just a one-hour massage or yoga session. Beautiful, selfless people who spend their entire day giving and doing for everyone but themselves . . .


We’ve been raised to put others first. Work hard so you can be successful and earn good money. Then you can buy a nice house, send your kids to good schools, and make sure your parents are cared for properly in their old age.

In this culture of ambition, self-love can often feel selfish. Me-time can cause feelings of guilt, knowing your family, the community, and the company you work for all want something from you all the time.

It’s frustrating.

We know we need to fill our self-love tank, yet we have difficulty acknowledging it. Ironic, isn’t it?

This shouldn’t be. Taking care of our own happiness keeps us going everyday; it’s our foundation.


Everything is built on top of this foundation, and if it isn’t solid, that’s when things start to unravel.

For those of us who have experienced the deep satisfaction of knowing our personal needs and desires are given importance and met, we can agree that the effects can be quite powerful.

The moment we start loving ourselves, we experience shifts—positive shifts. Everything begins to move forward with more ease and things to fall into place.

Conflicts are resolved and relationships improved. Peace of mind and a satisfying sleep at night does wonders for your health. And life begins to feel good—really good—ridiculously good.

So love yourself you first and create that deep, internal relationship has countless benefits not only for you, but everyone around you as well!

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