Better Sleep, Less Stress
Better Sleep, Less Stress
Better Sleep in One Week
Better Sleep in One Week
Better Sleep in One Week
Better Sleep in One Week
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Are you ready to sleep better tonight?

We have lots of articles to help and support you!

How We Can Help You




Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. ORA Horizon advocates lifestyle changes as well as positive thoughts and behaviors that reduce stress and help promote sound sleep. We give daily inspiration and bite-sized tips from our physicians that you can do each day to help you fall asleep faster, improve the quality of your sleep and stay asleep for the requisite number of hours. This will help you wake up full of energy in the morning, ready to conquer the day!

Our Physicians

Dr. Tyler Vachon originally founded ORA Informatics to help people break out of their daily cycle of exhaustion and sleeplessness.

Dr. Anthony Dugarte was later brought on board as Sleep Coach to help our clients take control of their health and their life - by reducing stress through getting enough sleep, and vice versa!
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Our Articles

How many of these do you use to help manage stress?
Can you remember how it felt to be a real patient? Before learning how to treat patients – before putting these letters after your name: NP, MD, RN, PA, LCSW...
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Address my stress
Nice work! By making it to this page, you have recognized that stress is a part life that can be managed. You may be surprised at the list below, some are re...
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Guest Podcast Appearances
Episode 20 Radiology Part 1 (show notes at Episode 21 Radiol...
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